Tribal Library
The library, located at the Kalispel Career Training Center, offers Native American literature and videos, as well as resource materials.
On the west side of the Pend Oreille River, in a building that once housed machinery and equipment used for producing tool and gun cases, the Kalispel Community Training Center (KCTC) now provides offices and workspace for many different tribal departments. One such department is the Tribal Library, which is open to both native and non-native members of the community.

Leanna Haynes-Pierre has worked as a Resource Specialist at the Tribal Library for almost a decade. Monday through Thursday from 8 to 5, Leanna can be found at the library ready to assist customers with finding a great book, audio book, or DVD. She says that some books in the library come in as donations and others are purchased new. Under the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant, the program has funds to increase their already sizeable collection of books.
Leanna Pierre operates several activities throughout the year to keep students involved in reading. Activities include book give-away gatherings sponsored by Scholastic Books.
The location of the library has often changed throughout the years, but the current site at the KCTC, where it has been for over a year, seems like a great fit. Inside the library, the atmosphere is quiet and comfortable—there are couches, sofas, desks, and plenty of quiet spots to relax and read. There is a room specifically for young readers that has also has toys and crafts. Children from the Camas Early Learning Center go on field trips to the library to do crafts and check out books.
During the summer months the library goes mobile, setting up at the Camas Center and Kalispel Golf and Country Club. This past summer the library organized a drawing that awarded three electronic readers to people who loaned out books from the library.
Whether you’re an avid movie watcher, reader, or audio book fanatic, plan a trip to the library and say hi to Leanna on your way finding a great book or movie. And in case you are not physically able to make it to the library, give Leanna a call as it may be possible to have books delivered. Checked-out items are due back in two weeks but renewing a book is usually not a problem. And one last great thing about this library—no late fees!
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 P