Children and Family Services
The Social Services Department provides an array of services to the Kalispel Indian community promoting self sufficiency and providing preventative services, reunification efforts and education to children and families. Social Services collaborates with tribal, local and state programs to serve children and families. The department includes: Emergency Services, Indian Child Welfare, Adult Protection, Seniors Nutrition and Rural Aging programs. Offices are located in both Airway Heights, WA. and Usk, WA. The social services programs are under the direct supervision of the Social Services Director.
Tribal Care
The Kalispel Child Placing Agency (KCPA) is the licensing agency for foster homes and group care facilities as well as early childhood centers. Our main objective is to provide safe and nurturing homes for every child placed in care while ensuring access to community-based, culturally appropriate services help them grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong – free from abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation and damaging effects of substance abuse.
We work with both native and non-native providers that are willing to foster this connection. If you need an application or would like more information, please contact our office.
Tribal Care Licensor
Indian Child Welfare (ICW)
The Indian Child Welfare Program (ICW) strives to ensure that Kalispel children are protected, free of child abuse and neglect as well as preserve their cultural and traditional ways and ties to the Kalispel Indian community. The overall goals for the ICW program is to serve in the best interests of the Indian child(ren), prevent child abuse and neglect, prevent families from entering the ICW system and/or re-entering the system by providing an array of services; however, our ultimate our goal is family reunification.
Please contact the Indian Child Welfare Program if you know of a Kalispel child who has suffered abuse or neglect, or whose family may be at risk and needs services to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Name | Position | Email Address | Phone Number |
End Harm | (866) 363-4276 | ||
Toll-Free Intake | (800) 557-9671 | ||
Kalispel Tribe ICW On-Call 24/7 | (509) 570-6729 | ||
Kelly Good | Interim Social Services Manager | (509) 7897632 | |
Katy Waid | ICW Social Worker | (509) 789-7654 | |
Crystal Reamer | Parent Child/Visitation Worker | (509) 671-6801 |
Rural Aging & Elder Assistance
Are you aged 55+? Do you need assistance with setting medical appointments, patient advocacy, medication management, or signing up for Medicaid/ Medicare?
Our Elder Assistance program can help! We offer assistance to elders in the following areas:
- Medical Appointment Setting
- Transportation to and from medical appointments
- Patient Advocacy
- Medication Management
- Specialty Provider Referrals
- Assistance with Medicaid, Medicare, and SSI Eligibility
- Estate and Financial Planning Assistance
- Monthly Luncheons
- Activities
For additional information on programs and services offered, please call the Elder Services Specialist
Senior Program
The Senior Program prepares and delivers nutritious meals and provides transportation and cultural activities to Tribal Elders 55 years of age and older who live in the communities of Usk or Cusick.
For more information or to subscribe to the program, please contact:
Name | Position | Email Address | Phone Number |
Neala Cox | Senior Program Coordinator | ncox@kalispeltribe.com | (509) 447-7248 |
CELC / Childcare
The Camas Early Learning Center, located within the Camas Center for Community Wellness is a premiere childcare and child education facility focused on the importance of each child. Our programs are designed to provide the physical health, safety and comfort for each child.